El paseo a Escocia - octavo dia/Ride to Scotland - eighth day

Desayunamos en el hotel West End, preparamos las motos y salimos para regresar a Dundee pues Elizabeth sale mañana temprano por avion y yo la seguire mas tarde en moto. Breve parada en la tienda de sweaters "Ben Nevis Woolen Mill" para que la pitufa friolenta haga una contribucion a la economia local y luego salimos hacia Spean bridge por la A82 y de alli por la A86 a lo largo del Glen Spean y el Loch Laggan. La carratera se presta bien a las motos y las vistas del glen son bien impresionantes./We have breakfast at the West End hotel, ready the bikes and start the return ride to Dundee because Elizabeth leaves early tomorrow by airplane and I will follow her later on the motorcycle. First a brief stop at the Ben Nevis Woolen Mill so that the perpetually-cold smurf can make a contribution towards the local economy and then we leave for Spean Bridge following the A82 and subsequently the A86 along Glen Spean and Loch Laggan. The road is well suited for motorcycles and the views of the glen are impressive.

El nuevo master y su maquina/The new master and his machine

 En Drumgask nos vamos por la A889 hasta Dalwhinnie. Es una carretera de altiplano y hace un viento fuerte, ademas transitan muchos camiones madereros y hay que poner cuidado pues en las curvas suele haber granzon inesperado. Sin embargo, llegamos a Dalwhinnie sin problema y arreglamos para tomar el tour de la destileria./Arriving in Drumgask we take the A889 to Dalwhinnie. It is a high-plain road and a strong wind blows; besides there are a lot of logging lorries and we must be very attentive because there are a number of turns where we encounter unexpected gravel. Anyway, we arrive in Dalwhinnie and arrange to take a tour of the distillery.

Motos frente a la destileria./Bikes in front of the distillery.
La visita a la destileria es interesante, aunque quedo un poco decepcionado ya que no hacen ni el malteado ni el añejado en el sitio. Estas dos operaciones se hacen ahora en un local centralizado de la corporacion Diageo y se transportan la malta y el whiskey por camion cisterna. La unica operacion restante en este sitio es la destilacion que es en si una combinacion de tecnologia y arte. Sin embargo, cuano estuve en las Islas Orcadas, visite la destileria de Highland Park, que es todavia enteramente independiente, si hace su propio malteado y añejado. Tal vez publicare algunas fotos mas tarde o mejor aun subire con Aparicio en las motos hasta las Orcadas o inclusive las Shetland o las Faroe. Hay que ir planeando un proximo paseo./The visit to the distillery is interesting although I end up a bit disilusioned because they do not do neither their own malting nor their own ageing; both of these operations are carried out at a ecntral location belonging to the Diageo corporation and the malt and whiskey are transported by container lorry. The only key operation still remaining on site is the distillation which in iself is a combination between technology and art. However, when we visited the Orkneys, we toured the Highland Park distillery, which is still entirely independent and where they still do their own malting and ageing. Maybe I will post later on some photos or even better ride there with Aparicio and extend to visit the Shetland or the Faroe islands. We must start planning the next major ride.

Salimos de Dalwhinnie y paramos en Pitlochry donde almorzamos copiosamente en el Auld Smiddy Inn. De Pitlochry vamos hasta Perth sin mayor novedad excepto por un camion que deja caer un madero justo enfrente de Aparicio quien evita el impacto aprovechando la maniobrabilidad de la R45./We leave Dalwhinnie and stop in Pitlochry where we have a substantial lunch at the Auld Smiddy Inn. From Pitlochry we ride to Perth without major incident, except for a lorry that drops a piece of wood right in front of Aparicio, whom in turn avoids an impact thanks to the maneouvrability of the R45.

Encontramos algo de trafico en Perth pero luego vamos sin problema hasta Dundee donde Elizabeth y yo nos alojamos en el Holiday Inn. Descansamos un poco y nos vamos todos hasta el restaurante Kittiwake en Broughty Ferry donde tomamos nuestra cena de despedida y conclusion del paseo./We find a bit of traffic in Perth but afterwards ride without a problem to Dundee, where Elizabeth and I lodge at the Holiday Inn. We rest a bit and later on we all go to the Kittiwake restaurant in Broughty Ferry, where we hold our farewell and ride-closure dinner.

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